Players will randomly be on the same team even when a game is set to FFA

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings


When a game is set to FFA (Free For All), players will randomly be put on the same team. They can see each other’s name plates, see each other through walls, cannot damage one another, and can edit each other’s builds.

Steps to Reproduce

Unsure on how to reproduce consistently as it’s seemingly random. In the Island Settings set the Teams to Free For All and Team Size to 1. Once published, the bug seems to randomly occur in both Public/Private games. I have never encountered it in Edit mode.

Expected Result

Players should never be on the same team. In an FFA game, there shouldn’t even be “teams” to begin with

Observed Result

Players will randomly appear on the same team. See “Summary”


Windows 11 PC

Island Code


Additional Notes

Attached below are images of the Island Settings as well as the one single Class Designer that is on the map.

Island Settings -




Class Designer -