Players unable to join Public published island/map/game

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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I’m getting reports from public matchmaking players that they are unable to join completely even though I have join in progress turned on in the island settings And I have tried changing it to join in progress - spawn as well as join in progress - teamindex 1 and neither allow players to match make into the game.
For example, my island was posted public listed, and a few players found my information to contact me and told me that they were unable to join the game completely blocking them from joining. Sometimes they are forced to close Fortnite all together so that they can try again.

Steps to Reproduce

On a public listed map, players try to join an active game, And are getting matchmaking errors where they cannot join.
Join in progress in the island settings has been changed and tested to spawn, spawn on team index 1, spawn on next round, however this does not change the fact that players are unable to join the game at all when other players are within the game.

Expected Result

Players should be able to join an active game

Observed Result

Players are not able to join a match that is in progress and active


PS4 PC Nintendo switch mobile

Island Code


Additional Notes

I believe that join in progress has to be the issue with players in the lobby unable to join an active game. I cannot think of anything else I have tried so many months trying to make my game work for players who want to join the game while it is in progress

I’m also wondering if possibly there’s an issue with the updating feature when downloading the map for the first time players try to ready up in the lobby, I had some reports say that they were having game crash when downloading the project.
It is strange because I have tested my game on my own mobile Nintendo switch PS4 and PC By logging into the public version that was published. And it did not crash for me. But when I invite multiple people into my lobby they all report that they are crashing during updating or joining in the game from the matchmaking lobby