Players spawning despite setting saying "Spawn on next round"

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings


Despite my map currently using the setting “spawn on next round” players are still able to spawn in progress. However, the killfeed says “player switching to spectate” but they do not switch, they spawn into the game normally despite the island settings being set up differently.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a map
Set the player spawn to “spawn on next round” in island settings
Publish the island
Load into a game of the map
Invite someone to join in progress
The game will say they are switching to spectate, however they will still spawn in

Expected Result

Ideally, when following the steps provided above, the player should not spawn into the round in progress, they should be placed immediately into spectate mode, and then spawn into the game on the next round.

Observed Result

Players are spawning into the game, the kill feed says they are “switching to spectate” however they do not switch to spectate mode, they spawn into the game in progress regardless of what the setting says.


Mobile, Xbox One, Ps4, Ps5, Xbox Series X, PC, Nintendo Switch.

Island Code


Additional Notes

This is quite a gamebreaking issue, currently because my island is set up so that players do NOT spawn in progress, when they do spawn (due to this issue) the game will behave strangely as it does not know how to deal with a player it thinks is in spectate mode. For example, when a player who experiences this bug, spawns in, they are not able to get loot from my custom chests because the map thinks they are in specate mode.

Also when someone joins due to this bug, the game will not end with the last player standing even if that setting is turned on, which further causes gamebreaking issues in maps.

The status of FORT-738521 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

Can confirm this bug, having the same issue

Yeah its super gamebreaking, hoping it gets fixed soon!

We’re getting close to a fix and we’re aiming for next update.