Players invisible behind the transparent wall in ShooterGame

  1. In ShooterGame place a wall with the material Glass_M
  2. Enter the game in multiplayer mode by 3 players
  3. If you place players on different sides of the wall, then players become invisible

Further, if in AShooterCharacter::OnReplicationPausedChanged comment GetMesh () → SetHiddenInGame (bIsReplicationPaused, true);

void AShooterCharacter::OnReplicationPausedChanged (bool bIsReplicationPaused)
// GetMesh () -> SetHiddenInGame (bIsReplicationPaused, true);

Then the players are visible behind the wall, but if Client1 looks like Client2 is behind the wall, and then Client2 stops behind the wall, then Client1 continues to see that Client2 is moving

How to fix these errors?

Can you rephrase your question??

Then the players are visible behind the wall, but if Client1 looks like Client2 is behind the wall, and then Client2 stops behind the wall, then Client1 continues to see that Client2 is moving

But I think your problem is because of SetHiddenInGame and passing it along the n/w.

I hope the video will be the best description. Client1 (window on the left) starts moving and stops. Client2 (window to the right) continues to see movement infinitely

Thank you very much for your help!


I resovled problem. You must select Invisible Wall the Visibility collision in Ignore or Overlap
