PlayerPawn/VR Pawn + Vehicle Entry/Exit + Scene Component + World Location/Rotation

Hey everyone, I wouldn’t say I’m “new” here as I’ve been hunting through the forums for the last year and half learning unreal, So i’m nowhere near seasoned but I haven’t found myself in a position to where I couldn’t figure something out on my own until now. I have a variety of questions regarding one aspect of a much larger project, but for the time being I’ll stick to the first chain of issues on my list.

My blueprint is a Wheeled Vehicle Pawn that’s fully rigged, its VR capable but not setup in unreal which is what Im doing (TO AN EXTENT). Granted my goal at this time is NOT to allow the player to drive the car, just get in for a period of time and then get back out after that period of time has lapsed on what I believe should be a timer.

Currently I have the BP setup with grab components to open/close the door. Then the animation sequence fires following SFX to match the animation, then a short delay before the player pawn/VR pawn are passed over to a scene component for player location/rotation which is set by the world rotation/location.

Everything works PERFECT from an entry/exit standpoint with one exception. As long as my head is looking straight forward while approaching the car door and I don’t rotate my head in any direction, it positions perfectly into the scene component placed in the driver/passenger seat and looks straight ahead as if you’re sitting in the drivers seat. However if I turn my head left, right, or backward beetlejuice style the scene component is then rotated in the wrong direction.

I need to have the scene component rotation/position locked in one direction so that when the VRPAWN/PLAYERPAWN are passed off to it that it doesn’t matter which direction the player is looking while entering the vehicle that it will face the player in the correct location/direction. Can someone PLEASE help me figure out what I’m missing/doing wrong? Here is my code:

Alrighty than… No takers…?

Hi ScarBurst, Interesting problem.

I just moved this post from the ‘Programming & Scripting’ section to the ‘XR Development’ section, I think it’s more likely this post will find the eyes of others who have wrestled with Camera/SceneComponent in the context of VR.

Wasn’t sure if I had posted in the right area, so i flagged my own post. Thanks for that. Hopefully someone can assist me as the problems are stacking up. Thanks again, have a good day.

Still trying to find a solution… no takers?

For anyone that stumbles upon this, with the help of Yaro we discovered that the problem was in the entry/exit coding. “Set world rotation” wasn’t necessary for this action to be successful and was causing the disruption by updating the rotation depending on the VRorigin. Problem Solved



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