Player pushes the boat from inside

Hi, I’m using the unreal water plugin and I have a boat that goes forward, turns and floats and works perfectly.

I’m trying to get a boat to work as a sea of thieves, when the player climbs onto the boat everything is fine, however when I run against some part of the boat the player starts pushing the boat.

I’ve already tried to create a second mesh by turning off the physics, just colliding with the player and attached to the floating mesh, while the floating mesh has the physics active and doesn’t collide with the player, however it didn’t work.

I also have Physical Interaction disabled in the player.

I apologize for my English and thank you.

EDIT: It only happens when the boat is moving, if it’s just floating in the water the player doesn’t affect it.

Hi, in fact, player does push the boat while walking and running in real world, so there is no problem in most cases. try to ajust the mass of your ship to a much greater value(relative to player) and keep the simulatingPhysics option on, hope that helps.

Thanks for the answer, I’ve tried this before the problem is that the boat sinks, unless there is a way to put the water to make more force in the boat

I managed to increase the weight of the boat without it sinking, I put 2000 MassInKg but unfortunately the player continues to affect the boat.

Hi, maybe you can try to disable the collision between player’s skeletal mesh and your boat mesh then check if this solved you problem.

Or you can refer to this link:

The Character Movement Component has some granularity when it comes to player-physics interaction. See here for an example:

The Standing Downward Force Scale controls how much force in Z axis is applied to physically simulated meshes. Definitely experiment with the component’s settings.

Answered by @Everyone

Thanks for your answer, I disabled the skeletal mesh collisions but the problem remains, the links you sent me I had already tested, in the first place if you put XY plane the boat no longer has the buoyancy effect and the problem persists but only in terms of location and on the second link I already have the player’s physical interaction disabled.


Did you ever find a way to solve this?

put a huge number on linear damping? maybe? :face_in_clouds:

adding linear damping, although helps the ship stop fast enough where the character input on the ship isnt showing as badly, doesn’t stop the character from still being able to push the ship while its in movement, for example i can move the ship forward but when I let go of the helm, turn around and walk against the railing of the ship, its stops the ship in its tracks.

Sounds like a force problem, try to disable this in the character movement of your player
if work enable again and try to tweak some values

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I really appreciate that, it does work to an extent, it works that the character will no longer push the boat but when the boat is in motion and I walk the opposite direction the boat will stop,

Hey Im sorry its so late…Ive been having the same issue (with a smaller boat lol) and for some reason your thread didn’t show up but I think I found the solution on my I highlight the response but I think mine worked better with change the boat’s mesh’s object type to “pawn” i dont know why it worked for me but it did… heres a link to my thread if it helps you or anyone else

also you need to uncheck “enable physics interaction”. So both “enable physics interaction” need to be off and set the boats mesh object type to “pawn”.

Try this:

InPrimitiveComponent->IgnoreActorWhenMoving(Owner, true);

I use this when I want my character mesh to ignore another mesh in my grab system, else the character would act as if it is running into a wall while holding something. Possibly you can make the boat’s mesh component ignore the character’s mesh / capsule / root component.

This worked out thanks!!!