Player poisoned particle effect

Hello guys,

So I’m working on creating a poisoned state for my character, upon which a particle system will spawn from the player every 1 second to indicate to the player that their character is poisoned. Here is my logic so far:

I want to spawn a particle emitter at the player location and delay it so that it spawns every 1 second (sounds easy but not sure how to go about this, need assistance)

Does this sound sort of like the way I should be approaching this? can you recommend anything else?

Thanks in advance

I would have the once-per-second logic in the particle system itself, potentially using curves. Then, you’d simply spawn and attach or enable the particle system during runtime. This cuts out a lot of trouble you might have getting the timing right, or having to deal with leftover effects.

You could also create a particle system that only runs for a single cycle, and then trigger that one repeatedly. I’d say it’s a matter of preference on your part ^.=.^

There’s a series of great guides on particle systems by Zack Parish (I sure hope I’m spelling that right) here which I wholeheartedly recommend: Introduction to Cascade | v4.2 | Unreal Engine - YouTube