Player Navigation: Alternative to Teleportation? (Robo Recall Style)

Hi All,

I’m looking for a different style of navigation than the default controller arrow teleport.

I’d like to just push the Oculus touch joystick forward to float / move forward in a more traditional way.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



If your VR Pawn has a movement component (e.g. is derived from Character or Default Pawn) you can use the thumbstick events (X and Y axis) to call Add Movement Input and Add Controller Yaw Input to move forward, backward, right, left and rotate right and left. If you VR Pawn doesn’t have a movement component, you will have to work with AddActorWorldOffset and AddActorWorldRotation. The principles are the same, but in the movement component does a lot of the work for you (gravity, slopes, steps, etc.)

Robo Recall still has teleportation, just not using the Press thumbstick, rather i lets you decide the point of the teleportation using the x-y of the thumbstick. its more nice that way i agree. I think thats what GoLionMk2 is asking. @vr_marco Do you have any idea how to change the VR template so that you don’t have to click the thumbstick to get the teleportation going, rather just use the thumbstick in X-Y fashion to pinpoint your teleportation point?

I didn’t try it but it should be enough to monitor the thumbstick X and Y axis and when the absolute value of either one or the other exceeds 0.1 (meaning the thumbstick has been pushed away from its rest position) you activate the teleportation arc. The rest should be the same. When the thumbstick is quickly released and returns to the center position (you can calculate its frame by frame displacement and divide it by DeltaTime), then you activate the teleportation to the last point.

BTW, RoboRecall is basically open source (except some copyrighted assets), so if you download the mod from the Epic’s Launcher you will able to look into how they implemented it directly.