Most of the time when my first person character collides an object in my level, it gets stuck and even jumping gets disabled. What can be the reason?
Hi tongucci,
Can you post some more information such as screen shots or a video demonstrating your issue?
I’ll also need to know what your character setup looks like. Are you using the template characters or a custom one? Is this only happening in a level with your own created geometry, or does it happen in the basic default level with only the floor mesh as well?
Thank you!
Hi Tim,
For this case, it is between two objects but most of the time only one object is enough to make the character stuck. I can throw ball and look around but can not jump or walk to any direction. And not just one type of mesh prevents moving but almost all of them in my level.
As you can see here, my first person character is the default one. Only difference is that I use it as not visible.
What does the collision look like on the fence? Try possibly simplifying the collision for the moment down to just a single box and see if that resolves the issue you’re seeing. Depending on how your collision is setup for the mesh using a couple of collision hulls may help instead.
While in-game as well you can use the console command PXVis Collision
this will show you the collision hulls for any mesh.
it already happened to me, it is like the capsule component going inside the floor and geting stuck, try to move the mesh down, so the capsule component stay higher (you have to move the mesh, because the capsule you can´t move)
hope it helps you!
Even a mesh with a collision as simple as this can make my character get stuck. (The axe is placed as it’s sticked on the ground.)
While in game the console key does not work. How can I open console?
I have dragged my mesh as low as this but still didn’t work.
sorry, it is a different bug, indeed. Does It happens to all first person project that you create? or only in this single project? Maybe recreating it and just migrating what is important may solve the problem…
ok, and a fresh new project does it too? If so… maybe you should re-install the engine, or download another version and test. Sorry for not being able to really help you, good luck
I had migrated my level to a new project two days ago. This bug still exists. Also I just found out that my navagentradius was over 100 (I don’t know how it happened.) so I took it back to default but it didn’t solve either.
Fresh new project does not have that bug. Something is wrong with my project but I don’t know how to find it out.
I had migrated my level to a new project so all the useful assets and nothing else were copied.
when a bug happened to my project one day, it was something at the meshes and animations, don´t remember, but I didn´t migrate, I create a new project, copied and pasted the blueprints, migrated only the usefull meshes and props that I was using, etc.
It solved to me that bug.
I mean, you have to “clean” your project somehow
I know this is an old post and I have made several projects since then. Now I am using Unreal 4.17 and still (in my new project) when the player (with capsule collision) gets blocked by other objects with capsule collision, there’s about 20% chance of being stuck. When being stuck I cannot walk or jump. Simply cannot change my location. Am I the only one having this issue?
I have this problem and able to fix it thist mornig.(don’t know if it can fix in your case)
I accidently set some of these values to zero in the past. When I reset it to default my character not stuck in the static object anymore. But I need to test with my other scene to confirm.
did you find a solution for it? i have the kinda same problem.
I have a ship ( and it stuck to most objects).
No, still the same. But as a workaround you can remove the collision of what the player gets stuck, and replace it with invisible wall boxes.
I realize this is an old post but I had a similar issue to this where my character’s capsule component would sometimes get stuck to the ceiling. After testing a ton of different things, it turned out that at some point I scaled my character’s capsule component to X: 1.2, Y: 1.2 and Z: 1.2. Resetting it to the default seemed to work for me. It might have been because the capsule component wasn’t scaled with whole numbers but I’m not entirely sure.
Hope this helps, good luck !
I had tried it but it didn’t solve either. Then it turned out the collisions of the meshes in the level were a little too complicated. After that I made as simple collisions for the objects as possible. That was my solution.
Hi there. My player would get stuck in edge-cases when jumping close to a collision capsule, and there being a slanting collision under (like a dip in the landscape). I solved/compensated for it in the jump-node. When I hit the jump key, I put the player z into a variable and delay 0.1 s. Then I compare the current player z to the old one (determines whether the jump did anything). I did this with the float compare with error margin 10.
If I am stuck, I spawn an 1 seconds lived actor under me with a collision box that moves upwards.
You might not get unstuck with one actor, but just spam the jumpkey some times, and the player is thrown clear due to the collision boxes.
Oh, and also get the location of the player, add say 5 to the z and set the player to this new location.
A bit dirty perhaps, but it worked.