Player damage from destructible mesh

so, im new on ue4 and currently making little vr project about eathquake…

i create a level, when delay timer end, the roof (destructible mesh) will collapse and damage the player by hit event
the problem is the hit event didn’t run when player standing still ([similiar to this problem][2]), its work perfectly when player moving

this is my physics and collision setting on destructible mesh


and this is physics and collision setting on player
i did try:
1 enable emulate physics on destructible mesh
2 change collision setting to overlap between player to destructible mesh to each other, then using overlap event instead of hit event to damage player
all didn’t work

how to make destructible mesh chunks hit and damage player (either when player standing still or moving)
i know this problem is kinda negligible but i want to set this right
thanks for your help

If you want your player to be hit and damaged by a DM chunk use:

Off Player Actor: OnComponentHit > Cast to DestructibleComponent > ApplyDamage

works perfectly, thanks :smiley:

You’re welcome.

This is probably better asked as a new question but Errin I see you’ve answered many destructible mesh questions before. I’m trying to simulate shrapnel damage and using the method above almost works for what I’m trying to achieve. How would you go about determining whether the chunks are in motion/in a state of applying damage to the player?

I started approaching it by making an actor have a destructible component with a boolean variable representative of its damage dealing state. Right now if the player walks into one of these explosive actors, the player’s onComponentHit triggers, the cast succeeds, but with the explosive in its stationary/no shrapnel flying state, it shouldn’t apply damage. Curious if you had a better idea.