Player counter device not transmitting signal on success

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Upon playtesting my map that I planned on publishing sometime this week, I ran into an issue regarding the player counter device. As of now, in my map, I have the player counter device enabled to track when a team’s player count reaches zero. When the team player count reaches zero, I expect the player counter device to send a signal to a trigger I have on the map to trigger it. This will then respawn all the players on the map through verse code. upon testing, I thought the verse code was the problem, but when I triggered the trigger device, the verse code still was working. And after more debugging, my partner and I realized that the player counter device wasn’t sending signals to any device we put down, like the timer device. So now I am stuck and have to wait to publish my game because of this bug. I’d appreciate it if you all could look into this issue and possibly fix it. Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

Steps to Reproduce

Make the player counter device transmit a signal when a team(any team) equals 0 players. On success, transmit signal to a trigger device to trigger. after that, have like vfx or sfx on to determine whether the device has transmitted its signaled and triggered the trigger

Expected Result

The player counter device should make the trigger device trigger when the player count reaches 0

Observed Result

trigger device does not trigger when i have all these settings
