Player counter device bug

Reference ID


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The player counter device SetTargetCount does not set the target count at all.

Steps to Reproduce

Print(“Current players {GetPlayspace().GetPlayers().Length}”)
Print(“Current target {PlayerCounter.GetTargetCount()}”)

Expected Result

The target count after the SetTargetCount should reflect the number used as parameter in the SetTargetCount call

Observed Result

The GetTargetCount call returns the device default target count



Additional Notes

Moreover it would be incredibly helpful if SetTargetCount, IncrementTargetCount and DecrementTargetCount would have a logic option to NOT trigger a comparison right away which could be defaulted as Trigger the comparison. This would give much more flexibility on when you can set the target count and give more use to the CompareToTarget method.

This bug is real and needs to be looked at by Epic. Player counter is full bugged.

The status of FORT-761878 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Needs More Info’.

Thank you @GTrovatoES and @GraemeBB - I’ll get someone to take a look.

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Thanks! I had forgotten to report a week back when I discovered it. The “workaround” for the setting the target count is to place a bunch of player counters and hide all except that one required based on player count in the game… ironic.

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Player counter is bugged in editor and private version. On PLayer Counted is not working unless player touches bounding box of the player counter zone