Player avatar customisation

There is a requirement to allow some level of player avatar customisation by creators.


Creator custom skins for genre, e.g. military dress for soldiers.

Remove hats when riding in closed-top cars.

Changing hats - don’t have a hat integrated into the player avatar when the player wants to add a new helmet object (two hats).

Remove hair when adding a hat / helmet. Hair options so that long hair can flow out of the helmets.

Change clothes.

Allow using a space / diving suit where you can see the player’s face through the visor.

Socket equipment items to the player, e.g. components of a suit of medieval armor without clashing with skin “clothing”. Imagine a Diabloesque dungeon delve where players want to collect different equipment and show it off.

A unified system that deals with body form / shape that allows easy scaling and positioning of attached items, or at least the possibility of creators writing such a system.

Integration of a player’s personal appearance resources with creator items. e.g. perhaps a player can buy the components of multiple sets of medieval armor items from Epic and then use those as craftable appearance options for items on islands where creators have enable that.

This will require a player avatar system that allows players to get the look they want for the metaverse experience, but that can be customised to fit into the genre and mechanics of individual island experiences.

Unfortunately, this appears to require a considerable amount of development effort, but is also critical to an immersive multiverse experience.

I would be interested to know the plans for this and how it will tie in with existing player skin ownership.

@LostShed Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.