Im updating widget’s render translation every tick like this :
And this is result:
How can i make smoother widget’s attachment?
Im updating widget’s render translation every tick like this :
And this is result:
How can i make smoother widget’s attachment?
Why not just use a widget component on the actor with the widget, and set it to screen space?
Do you mean, add widget as component and attach to player’s root component, right?
Right one is in that case. Well, i think the fundamental problem seems to be that transform changes in low frames are very unstable. When i set engine quility low and keep 120 frames when playing, shaking is reduced.
But, even shaking at 60 frames that can be played normally. This phenomenon is difficult to understand…
The one on the right is probably flickering because of image upscaling reconstruction (FSR). Try turning it off and see if it changes.
Most modern upscaling techiques such as DLSS and FSR have the same problem. The UI is unfortunately reconstructed alongside the normal render pipeline
Perhaps in the future they can split it out to a separate render pass and overlay it after FSR to keep it clean.
I think it was a matter of synchronization between the camera and the actor.
The camera taken the actor moving, and one more taken actor after camera targeted it’s view to actor. I think that was the why the widget keep shaking.
So I solved this problem to this way :
1 . Update actor’s location of the last tick and the the current tick.
2. get 2D velocity of two screen pos, form last tick to current tick.
3. current tick pos = last tick pos + velocity * Deltatime(or higher value look faster).
and the result look fine and smooth while moving.
It’s looking better. Remember that you can also set tick groups for actors / components
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