I have a levelsequence that is made to fade in a character and I want that to happen when the player overlaps with a collision box. Which node is used for playing the sequence?
I also have a problem because the level sequence plays when I start the level even if auto-play is off. How come? I haven’t added anything that makes it play on start(checked the reference viewer).
It should be that both the trigger box and the level sequence are dragged into the scene. Once each is in the scene, with one item selected, for instance, the trigger box, you should be able to right click in the Level BP and get a reference to that trigger. Pulling off that reference node, you should be able to get an On Begin Overlap node, which would trigger the sequence. Then you should be able to select the Level Sequence, in the scene, go back into the Level BP, right click, and get a reference to the Level Sequence. Off that node, you should be able to find a Play node, which you should be able to wire to the On Begin Overlap node.