Play 360º Top Bottom Stereo video


How do I have to make the material so that it reproduces correctly? With a normal 360º video, there is no problem, but with this one I am not able to make it not look “split in 2 horizontally”

I have tried these two examples that I have seen online, but I have not been able to make it work. It still looks double horizontally.

Thanks in advance

I have found the solution by other posts. In case anyone needs it …

thank you, was looking for this too

Thank you so much for this, it was extremely useful. To anybody wondering how to get the StereoIndex to input onto the Alpha of the Lerp function you must:
1. Create a new custom node
2. Change the code section to return ResolvedView.StereoPassIndex;
3. Change output type to “Float 1”.

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