PlatformCook Error while loading into a UEFN session


I am unable to launch a session on Windows.

When launching a session on my current project, everything goes as expected but after waiting at least 10 minutes, I receive an error message informing me that on the Windows Platform, the cook was a failure, without any other explanation… and I remain stuck in the Hub without ever landing in my session. I restarted at least 40 sessions on PC and nothing works, but It works perfectly if I launch a session on Switch & Iphone.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

-Launch a session on PC (Windows)
-Wait at least 10min in the hub for the error PlatformCook

Expected Result

I should be able to join my session without a problem.

Observed Result

I get this error without any explanations :

PlatformCook: Error: We hit an error while cooking this content
PlatformCook: Error:
PlatformCook: Error: CookJobId:839be2f6-ac78-4b81-8d53-b1df48791d20
PlatformCook: Error: An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (failed to cook module 70ed6c1e-43a7-394b-3852-3284d8506f76 (artifact 198814d4-5771-49a5-b520-f47b564f7464:pc) (cookJobId 839be2f6-ac78-4b81-8d53-b1df48791d20) with error code


windows only

Island Code


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Additional Notes

After looking at several other posts on the forum, I think I might have an invalid asset somewhere in my project that make me not able to reach a session on PC (Windows), only with this project.
However on the first versions of my project I had no problem launching a session while now it is always the case. Please help me find the problem, thank you! All my drivers are up to date, and I have verified my UEFN/Fortnite files.

Take another look at your Message Log in category Asset Check specifically. Please post those loglines or screenshot as well here.

I’m curious if you ran into similar or same issue as I have for about a month now…

I’ve experienced the exact same issue, my project is trying to reference a fort playset that isn’t there