Planetary Oceans Plugin

Hey guys, I have finished and released my Planetary Oceans plugin - a solution for oceans on spherical worlds.


  • Gerstner waves on a sphere
  • Can be moved and rotated at runtime
  • Any amount of oceans in the level
  • Waves foam, beach foam
  • Subsurface scattering
  • Distance field based waves attenuation (to flatten the ocean on the shore)
  • Texture based normals on top of wave normals

Planned features (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET):

  • Ocean quadtree (LOD) system
  • Buoyancy system
  • Wave presets blending
  • Custom physically based atmosphere (any amount in the level)
  • Network replication

Marketplace link
Plugin’s Discord

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Some progress on the upcoming buoyancy update

Unreal Engine 5 2024.08.15 - (1)

Unreal Engine 5 2024.08.15 -

Just for the record, @script526 asked to use the boat from the EnvironmentProject (Ocean Project). I’ve given him permission to use anything from the project. I wish him and his project the best, it is a really cool concept.

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Thank you Evo!

Update 1.1.0 has been released, which includes:

New features:

  • Buoyancy system
  • Drivable boat (WIP)
  • Voxel Plugin 2.0 buoyancy Integration
  • Masking out water
  • Ocean mesh generator (with different polygon density parameters)


  • Consistent hash functions for waves randomization (fix for ocean ‘jittering’)
  • New wave spread algorithm based on these hash functions


  • Added volumetric clouds to the Buoyancy map
  • Minor enhancements to the water material