Planar Reflection OpenGL Clipping Plane Bug

Expected (screenshot from DX11):

Current (screenshot from OpenGL):

EDIT: The global clipping plane required for planar reflections simply does not work in OpenGL: See my comment below.

Hey dgrieshofer-

Can you explain how your planar reflection is setup? I tried adding a planar reflection to the third person template project with the Linux editor running with OpenGL4 and the result was the same as when I add a reflection to the same Windows template.

Hey , after some testing it seems like the global clipping plane which is used for planar reflections does not work under OpenGL (can be seen on Windows as well when running standalone with -opengl). To test this you simply need to place a static mesh under a planar reflection actor with a transparent material and notice how the static mesh gets reflected even though it is on the wrong side or the reflection actor. Pretty much the same issue as Planar reflection clipplane bug on Metal - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums but only for OpenGL

Hey dgrieshofer-

Your reproduction steps helped me see what you were experiencing and I have entered a bug report that you can follow here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-34762)

With the reflection plane selected, I found that editing the value for “Angle from Plane Fade End” had the greatest effect on removing the the improper reflection. You can try tweaking this value for whatever your project needs.


Thanks. For the record, changing “Angle from Plane Fade End” or “… Start” has zero effect for me which makes sense. The issue is caused by clip plane not working in OpenGL and therefore reflecting meshes behind the plane (reflection source). Changing angle simply changes which materials the reflection will be applied to (reflection target).

i need help ! after apply planar reflection on flat surface my reflected object clipping ,