Placing Builds in the Sky

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


I want to build a map that is only in the sky. I want to do this without terrain, but after I placed down a ton of walls and roofs in the sky, when I delete one build it starts a chain reaction to delete everything else.

Steps to Reproduce

Place a wall from a Fortnite Prefab in the sky in UEFN. Then place a few more walls or roofs touching it. Then delete one and watch everything delete as well.

Expected Result

Expected to only delete one build not the whole building.

Observed Result

The whole building was deleted.



This is normal behavior if you place a pre-fab in the sky.

To solve: Click on your prefab. Make sure the entire thing is selected and every prop inside. You can do this by clicking on the “Root” which is the name of the pre-fab in the outliner. Then open up the details menu and go to the section called “Structural Support” and then make sure the item “Forcibly Structurally Supported” is checked. Now if you delete a piece supporting others, they won’t chain react and autodelete away.


Wow! This really helped, seriously thank you!

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