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The way UEFN syncs with creative 1.0 when you are testing in game is extremely buggy. I discovered this because I was trying to use wood/brick/metal builds inside my island, and it was build intensive. The natural snappiness in game of placing builds is a lot less tedious than in the engine, so I switched to build it. Went back to UEFN, almost all of it is gone. Closed without saving wondering if it saved in game and needed a refresh, came back, it just loaded my last autosave (which thank god for).
There’s no rhyme or reason to why some of the builds save and others don’t. I just have a bunch of half-built structures all around, regardless of the order they were placed. The mechanics of the builds that were placed also then changed. In game, I can no longer build off of them, gravity is different (meaning it doesn’t break when suspended in air, which is obv not the case in game)
Edit: Turns out, the builds weren’t disappearing. It just teleported to some random spot super far away and all overlapped each other. So the end result of the hours I’ve wasted is thousands of floors and walls phasing together. Great.
Edit 2: Keeps getting better. I can’t even delete them unless I go in game. Not only that, but some of the builds that show in game don’t even exist anymore when I go back to UEFN. Meaning I can only see and change them in game.
Edit 3: Even after deleting in game, it still shows all the builds I deleted in my outliner. Wtf is happening. So broken.
Edit 4: Restarting allowed me to delete from outliner. Still a huge issue. 5 hours of my life I’m never going to get back.
Edit 5: Just gonna keep this tab open at this point. Only metal builds will sync with UEFN?? Brick and wood just refuse. What is happening
Edit 6: The metal is the only one that will sync, but even it’s very unstable. I also found out that sometimes the builds will show in my outliner, but it’s invisible so I have to edit it directly by finding it and clicking on the asset in the outliner.
Steps to Reproduce
Launch session, place builds with mats, return to UEFN
Expected Result
Builds placed appear in UEFN correctly (none mysteriously deleted)
Observed Result
Random builds disappear for no logical reason, builds that do stay are now glitched because they don’t follow the same logic builds I would place in game do now that they are in UEFN.