Just wanted to showcase a quick screengrab video for a new app I’ve been working on (this is a packaged version) which listens to system audio (e.g. spotify) and makes the pixels react to the music in realtime! You can see the various exposed parameters in the video even if I didn’t showcase them all
The general idea is to customise the look however you like, whenever you like, for whatever song you like - then just sit back, relax and enjoy the wiggle!
Let me know your thoughts and if you have any further suggestions!!
My husband and I are a HUGE fan of music/audio visualizers. They’re really calming to watch on top of making great screensavers when we’re cleaning with music playing. I’ll certainly be following this post going forward as I’ve been looking for something with a little more control like you’re showcasing here! Can’t wait to see what comes next!
Oh that’s great, haha for a moment there I was thinking I must be the only one who enjoys this kinda thing, but I’ve found my people!!
Are there any other features you think could be cool? I was going to see if I can expose the actual frequency band ranges for each effect (e.g. min = 20, max = 2000 for the velocity modification).
I’m also looking into one bug where a certain song will cause it to eat up all the GPU and slow everything down, even though I’ve set a console variable to cap the FPS at 30 (I previously thought this kinda thing would occur if you don’t have an fps cap, it’ll just use whatever resources you have until it hits 100% usage.) But that doesn’t seem to be the cause, so I’m still doing a couple tests
I’m glad to be one of the few to stand by you and cheer on these types of projects, haha. In regards to other features the only ones I can think of would be something that you’re talking about with frequency band ranges. Being able to adjust how certain frequencies respond would be a big fun one that I could think of.
Regardless, I’m glad to see your app is also now finished! I wish I could recommend some distribution methods but that is unfortunately not my forte. I’ll keep an eye out on this post for when you finally release it because I would love to get the chance to test it out!
Thanks @The_M0ss_Man The band ranges have been added as well as a randomise button and the ability to save and load settings! I think I will distribute on Epic Games Store and Steam and save the headache of generating and validating license keys (I had almost made a plugin to handle that but the online validation part drifted into javascript/HTTP requests and that I don’t know haha)
Very exciting! I’ll hopefully have it up soon and can begin some demo testing and marketing (You could be a tester if you like!)
Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far
Definitely agree with @The_M0ss_Man. A good visualizer can make you feel the music in such a different way. Especially with how beautiful you’ve made this one. Glad you took the time to share it