Could you share the log file?
Update! I manage to isolate the problem to a runeberg VR plugin. Disabled it and level now PIE. Now I need to figure out what caused the problem with that plugin. Since it works on a different computer plugin loaded.
Hi Vorixo. The system keeps giving me an error when I upload files. So I cant right now.
I worked on a level for over a year, wont play inside editor anymore? It keeps crashing. I cannot open or read or understand the crash log files. I can’t pinpoint what could be causing the problem. Other levels within the same project work fine. And the level in question loads, so I’m lucky for that.
But how do I figure out how to read these log file. If someone with coding experience can help.
The thing is the same level loads on a different computer. It seems to be an issue with the computer. I tried reinstalling engine and launcher. it still crashes that level in PIE. I use one drive to update and share files between computers.
I did migrate new files, but why would it not work on two separate computers? but work on a third computer. The thing is it worked a few days earlier.
I wont let me attach the crash log files zip. I can donate a little to Patreon or PayPal to show appreciation if we can fixed the problem.
If all fails,I need to find the auto backups, hopefully didn’t loose to much work. Please help!