I want to post this to help whoever is trying to develop vr on the Pico XR, since there isn’t a lot of documentation for new version of the engine.
So after downloaded the plugins from the Pico website
and added them to the folder of plugins of your project.
If you try to package the vr project without changing anything, you will probably get an error.
In my case i keep getting this one
public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IsOculusMobileApplication() deprecated
To fix this, i removed all base XR plugins, except XRBase, which you need to keep.
After you do that, a warning pop up will warn you about B_AssetGuideline_VRTemplate having broken references, choose the option to remove those reference.
If you are not using the vr template from unreal engine, you may don’t have this.
Also remember to disable package for Meta Devices
After that restart Unreal Engine and you should be good to go.