Pick up Item

Good evening. I just don’t understand what’s missing or what I’ve done wrong. I am trying to record a sword on a blank map. I used the video as a guide.
Hopefully all the screenshots that are necessary to at least make the item disappear are below





Not even the message is displayed. Do you need anything else? I actually followed the video completely

You need to say which class of actors you want to check


It’s just like in the video. I just used it as a guide. I also looked to see if it would work with BP_Item. But again no message, no destroying of the actor…

In your first screenshot, the Interact node is not connected so it is not called.

As ClockworkOcean stated, it would be better to specify the class as BP_Item. Or even better as BPI_Interact but I am not sure if you can do that.

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