Hello! I am using Unreal Engine 5.0.3 and I have been trying to fix an issue with the item grabbing system. I’m using the Physics Handle system and it works well. However, One huge issue is that the cube very easily clips through walls. I’ve tried many things, including adjusting the linear damping, using a Physics Spring Component, etc. However, The linear damping not only makes the grabbed object move too slowly for my use cases, It also barely does anything. The physics spring arm system doesn’t work at all. I would appreciate it if anyone would review my blueprint code and point out any errors. Thank you!
The above code is for a physics spring arm system which I found in this article (how to make grabbed phys object not clip through a wall?)
Here, Default Value Of Linear Damping for the physics object is 10, Angular Damping is 5.
Here is the Physics Handle System.