how to make grabbed phys object not clip through a wall?

Hi, I made it that I can pickup physic objects with E but I can easily drag them through the walls, how do I fix that?

Sorry for all the mess, I do not know how to organize it well.

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This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting.

When posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space. While I personally don’t have the answer to your question, hopefully, this new category will help to catch the attention of a more experienced forum member :slight_smile:

Good luck and happy developing in the meantime!

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Alright, sorry for adding a wrong tag it will not happen again.

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Absolutely no worries. That’s what I’m here for (and even I use the wrong category sometimes…). :joy:

Good luck with finding a solution and if you need anything from your friendly neighborhood moderator, feel free to give me a poke!

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I think you’ll get best results by setting up physics-based grabbing and letting the physics engine handle collisions.

Here is an example physics-based spring arm component, which you can attach to the camera component in Character BP. Then you can virtually attach any physics object to it.

Custom scene component BP - the component provides attachment and detachment functions, it backups and modifies a few physics properties to feel better while carrying around (gravity, damping), and applies physics on tick to maintain object at a target distance.

Character setup - I added an overlapper capsule to detect grabbable objects in range, and a physics spring arm (the new component) with some sound defaut values :

Character BP - (overly) simplistic setup to grab object in range when pressing E :


omg thx so much thats so genius to add a capsule to detect objects in range I would have never done that.

is the attatchedcomp a actor or?

it’s a PrimitiveComponent reference

Just what I need for my game, Thank you so much! :grin:

PhysicsSpringArm.uasset (175.3 KB)
code for the component(ue5.2) if anybody is lazy like me
(edit:2023/8/19 just found out uassets don’t work in certain places(file path is wrong etc. ))

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Hi!I solved this easy. Named the main bone in my skeleton (like here “Handle”)
In GrabComponent Blueprint added some nodes like on the picture.

Hi! Just enable “Use CCD” in Details/Collision/Advanced of the captured object.