Physics object with separate explicit collision and physics falling though ground?

Hello everyone,

I have an actor blueprint that contains a model (which handles physics too) and a collision box (which handles collision), however, for some reason, it just falls through the floor.

The model itself handles the physics queries, while the box (which is adjusted to the size of the mesh, and is a child of the mesh) handles collision responses.



Am I doing something wrong? I thought that if a child of a physics object had collisions, that it would propagate to the parent

Kind regards,

Hey @User-400315961!

You may want to check that your Static Mesh asset has Collision assigned to it! As in, open the static mesh, and generate collision. Otherwise it won’t have any.

Collisions don’t propagate as far as I know. If they did they’d go Parent to Child, not Child to parent… at least not by any other UE logic. But I’m not entirely sure what you’re meaning, there’s a lot of parent/child relationships in UE.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

I see, I was under the impression that I could use a collision box to generate a bounding box for collision in real time. Guess I was wrong.

Thank you.