Physics Door that moves only in one direction!?

Hello i have created a door using physics constraint i want it to open in only one direction.
Instead of both :slight_smile:

Hey @GloatingDevil!

Are you meaning that you want the door to swing outward one way? Would you mind sharing the results you have so far? If you are trying to prevent a full swing through the frame, have you added an inner door frame trim to your door?

ok so i have this door
Screenshot from 2024-03-18 15-09-21
I have added the physics constraint and it rotates in these two directions
Screenshot from 2024-03-18 15-13-15
Screenshot from 2024-03-18 15-12-45
i want it to rotate it in one direction i.e +ve Z right now it rotates on both +ve and -ve Z

  • ensure the pivot (hinge) is in the right location (see viewport), adjust it using modelling tools as needed:

Constrain stuff just in case.

  • add Physics Constraint component:

Close enough?

yes exactly what i want but im not getting this angular offset in blueprint

What does it mean you’re not getting it?

there’s no node to add angular offset in blueprint

Nodes are context sensitive. Try dragging the wire from the physics constraint’s data pin. The same way you access any other component.

i have tried that too still got no result :frowning:

It’s not exposed to BPs then.

Okiee Thanks for ur help . Im converting it to c++ its available in c++

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