Physics Constraint, mass and forces


Just to give a bit of context, I’m new to unreal engine and game dev in general. I’m actually playing with it (UE 5.1) for 2 weeks now on my personal time (but I’m a web dev in my every day work life).
So from here, I got into a kind of issue I don’t understand with the physics constraint behavior.
I understood that the force transferred through the constraint is proportional to the mass of the object (UE4 Stabilize Physics by Balancing Masses Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial How To - YouTube) but I have a case where a very light object move a very heavy one and I don’t understand why. Here is the example :
The top big cube doesn’t simulate physics.
The middle one simulate the physics and have a mass of 35000000 kg.
The bottom small cube also simulate physics and have a mass of 0.01 kg.
You also have 2 physics constraints, one for top-middle and a second one for middle-bottom.
These 2 constraints are the same almost default, just having all the linear limits limited.

So here my common sense say that a so light object couldn’t be able to move a so heavy object like this. I have the feeling to miss something. Could you give me some advice / insights ?
Thanks for your time in advance :slight_smile:

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when switching from unreal 4 to 5, epics replaced the physics engine, the tutorial provides examples with physX th from the 5th version of the unreal engine, it was replaced by chaos,

  • in the version of the unreal engine 5, physX is still partially present, but Physics Constraint has been replaced with an analogue from chaos,
  • from the version of the unreal engine 5.1 physX is completely removed

after changing the physics engine to chaos, a lot of things now work a little differently, this may be the reason for the behavior of objects like in your example

thread with the same problem

the documentation for PhysX just describes the interaction as it was presented in the tutorial

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