Hey guys!
So I have a scene in my level where the player approaches this small paved area. As you can see part of the wall looks different, that’s because it is made of individual brick meshes that are physic objects (react with collision etc.)
I have an enemy pawn behind the wall that I have set-up so when the player steps over a trigger box, he begins moving to the player advancing on them. However, I have set-up the navmesh but he doesn’t play well with the physics actors (the bricks).
At the moment, he just runs straight through the boxes, or gets stuck in his little area because he can’t get past the brick meshes (when I disable overlap with ‘pawn’)
. I wanted this scene to have him burst out the walled section and run at the player essentially.
I currently have it set to a custom collision with ‘Can Never Affect Navigation’ enabled on all the brick meshes. Any help?