As the title says. Im trying to implement a physical animation component into my character, but for some reason when I try to apply an impulse at a location on my mesh after I enable collision mode, its telling my I haven’t activated physics on the skeletal mesh?!? For the most part, it seems to work. I can get the chararcter to go ragdoll with my combination of c++/blueprint, and my physics asset and its constraints are essentially where I want them to be. In my characters c++ I have a multicasted function that will turn the animation to “collision mode” using a blueprint implemented event called StartCollision() which is a that turns on the physical animation components blend. Im just not sure what im doing wrong. Below are relevant pics/vids. Any more requested info will be provided for any assistance.
This ended up being an issue with the experimental nature of the Physical animation component and using AddImpulseAtLocation(). Previously I was trying to add an impulse at the HitResult.ImpactPoint of my FHitResult object, this was trying to apply the physics to the skeletal mesh itself which is not what is simulating the physics, its the underlying physical asset that is blending with the animation. The trick was to just use AddImpulse() on a particular bone HitResult.BoneName of the skeletal mesh, so that I wasn’t actually colliding with the geometry, and instead colliding with the actual skeletons bones.