Physical Animation Component Crashing

Hi guys,

I’m getting a weird problem where the editor totally freezes as it runs this code (within my character actor):


The component is created earlier during construction as below:

PhysicalAnimationComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UPhysicalAnimationComponent>(TEXT("PhysicalAnimationComponent"));

I’ve tried changing the physics asset of the actor, and I’ve checked the character mesh doesn’t have per-poly-collision. It doesn’t seem to make a difference if I create the physical animation component during BeginPlay instead.

Is there anyway I can get an error out of Unreal? I have to close it via task manager and the logs I’ve found in /saved don’t give any reason for the freeze (they’re normal up to the point the code runs).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

In my case I think it was caused be either the foot IK or the Foot Placement Node (like Lyra uses). I’m hoping it’s an issue that will be fixed but I’ve just removed it for now and will try again later.