Photos fail to upload from mobile app

I am using the RealityScan mobile app (version 1.6.2/185) on a Samsung Galaxy S9 phone. Previously, it has worked without issue, and I’ve made sure I have the latest version of the app installed.

Over the weekend, I was out in the desert and took photos using RealityScan to make 3D models some rock formations. Because the area I was in did not have any wifi or mobile data connection, I saved the photos for later. Since then I’ve had various good wifi connections, and even changed my settings to ‘Wi-Fi + Mobile Data’ under ‘Data Usage’, as well as logged out and back into to my account, restarted my phone, etc, but every time the ‘uploading photos’ step fails. It appears to be having issues connecting to the server to even start uploading photos.

Many thanks for any troubleshooting help you can provide!