Photogrammetry help

So I want to get into photogrammetry soon, and I have a few questions. First, is my iPhone 6 camera good enough, or would I have to buy a good DSLR camera? (Not sure photo resolution for it) For software, I would love photoscan, but is it a difference worth the hundred and fifty dollars from something 123d catch? Is there anything that I can get for free because I am a student? I know about the lighting that you should have, no shadows. I just ordered a green screen a few hours ago, any other advice? I will be selling 3d models on the marketplace if anyone was wondering

My advice would be to try the free stuff with the equipment you already own. If it’s not good enough, then start worrying about what you’ll have to buy to improve it. That shouldn’t be too hard as you already have that stuff on hand. I wouldn’t even wait for your new green screen to start trying it, either.

I tried 123D Catch the other day. I used some lights I already owned, a custom-printed background for what I thought was a good pattern, a turntable, and my Nikon D3200. The result was awful.

I ended up deciding that the turntable was a bad idea because it changed the shadows. (There’s always shadows, no matter what you do, and they’re used by the software. You shouldn’t change them as you’re photographing.) The printed background turned out to be bad as well because it was too noisy. When I re-do it, I’ll have a few printed squares with unique crisp B&W images that I place around, but not touching, the item. I hope to also get something to help me diffuse the light more as well, and a table that I can physically walk around to do the photographing.

You would get better results with a DSLR than using a phone camera

Thank you, that was very helpful. :slight_smile: