Phantom Windows appearing in Unreal Engine?

So lately I’ve noticed that Unreal Engine 4 has what I’m dubbing ‘phantom windows’ that appear into existence and then immediately go away about once a minute or so. When I say phantom windows, its like the very edges of a window opening up, not a full window from any program, game, app, or anything. And it only happens when I’m in Unreal Engine 4. Has anyone else noticed this before, and if so is there a way to make it go away?

Hey @ThorusoferOfficial, thanks for posting in the forum!

What version of UE4 are you using? Is there any way you could possibly screen record the issue?

My first recommendation would be to re-install UE4 on your device, because I haven’t seen this problem specifically.
I hope this helps a bit!

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I’m currently using 4.27.2, and this is an issue that’s actually persisted across two different computers now. I can attempt to reinstall it, but I would prefer that as a last-ditch effort because UE4 does take so long to install. As for screen recording the issue, I managed to do that actually! Unfortunately, even though I’ve had this account for about 2 years now, it’s saying that I’m a new user and can’t upload anything in reply to this ^^’

Uh, whoops accidentally hit solution on my latest reply when I did not mean to ^^’ @ZenLeviathan Not sure if you can remove that possibly

UE4 - YouTube @ZenLeviathan I still can’t upload attachments, but here is the clip I took uploaded and unlisted for you to view the problem.

Hey @ThorusoferOfficial
I found a thread from a while back that might be able to help.

The fix in the bottom of the thread is:
"Just go to: Project Settings->Engine: User Interface->DPI Scaling, then uncheck the toggle box which says “Allow high DPI in game mode”

I hope this can help your problem!

Ah I somehow missed this the past few months, but unfortunately, I don’t think that’s the solution here as that seems to be checked off by default in all of my projects, and I still have the issue.

I know it might be a pain, and you’d definitely need to back up your files, but have you thought about / tried updating your engine version? Sometimes things like that are little bugs that get hotfixed in the source code. I wish I had a better answer for you, though.
I hope your development is going well!

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Well a lots happened since all of that! This seems to have just been an issue in 4.26/4.27, because now that I’ve swapped over to 5 for my newer projects, I actually haven’t seen any new issues pop up.

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