Periodically save images from camera to file

I’m trying to save screenshots from a specific camera.
Attached is the blueprint that I’m using to dump periodic captures.

But the issue is that for every “capture”, I’m getting two screenshot, one from the normal Actor’s view, and the other from the camera.

Also I was hoping to be able to have incremental naming, but if I do that, it just overwrites the CineCamera’s pictures with the Actor’s camera view, basically rendering the entire exercise pointless.

I would welcome any help on the subject please.
Thank you in advance.


Hey again Jpowwe!

Unless you have another screenshot being taken elsewhere, this shouldn’t be a thing.
Also you want to use this node

High Res Screenshot should have a defined X and Y resolution, typically 4k or higher.

Hello again Mind-Brain!

Glad to see it’s you responding.

There is no other screenshot blueprint so far as I can see. I did disable the rendering for the camera for another plugin. Now it’s taking a double screenshot only randomly and not very consistently. Also I noticed that minimizing UE stops the capture of screenshots. This issue is intermittent.

I tried using your method of Take Automation Screenshot at Camera, but it did not save anything anywhere (I simply swapped out the take High Res Screenshot with the Take Automation Screenshot). When that didn’t work, I created a new Event Begin Play, and connected it to that and that didn’t work either.

Hey @Jpowwe! Sorry for the late reply!

Have you tried to use the “Now” and “DateTime” nodes, plugged them into a "concatenate"d string, converted to a name, and named your files that way?

Also you might not want to do this on tick. Maybe use a timer node on begin play? Tick runs 3x/frame so IDK if you want THAT many screenshots :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for your response. I have been doing something else, but I’ll update you as soon as I can try it out.

Hi, Jpowwe ! Glad to see your post, I think we met similar question, I saw your blueprint nodes,one thing I want to know is that how did you set the saving path to save your screenshot? Thanks!

Hey @FunnyCharly!

I think Jpowwe was just using the default directory location on Windows. The file extension and two arrows in the top right show that it is not likely they’re showing it in Unreal. Changing that directory requires modifying the source of the Engine.

The default folder is YourProjectFolder\Saved\Screenshots\Windows\ Folder.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

@Jpowwe Did you ever get your original question solved? Let us know!