Hey guys,
I’m trying to max out the performance of my game (target platform is mobile) and I don’t really need any form of dynamic lighting … (I thought)
But if I mark my Directional Light as static, my pawn doesn’t get lit (now I understand why), but I feel like I could save some performance here. It would be totally okay for me, if everything was lit from every side equally (I would call it just “Global Illumination”? But that keyword obviously means something different…).
I hope I made my point here: I just want the easiest lighting possible. Would that be a stationary directional light? Or is there another way that’s even more effective?
Thanks in advance!!
PS: I think there has to be a way as the mobile performance guideline says: “Do not place lights in your scene or otherwise depend on lighting for maximum performance.”(Source)
PS2: With the keyword “Ambient Lighting” I found some more stuff, like the Skylight and Ambient Cubemaps (which are a postprocess effect though …?) Would one of those be fitting for my problem? And which one is less demanding in terms of performance?