Hello wonderful UE4 community!
My first post in years of building stuff on UE4! Still a complete noob but getting a handle on things as and when I need them…thanks to this community! Deployed a few VR experiences commercially (safety training etc) so have faced the technical ‘delivery’ challenges most discover when they get to deployment (if they get there!).
Not needed to reach out before, but I seem to be a bit stuck! (firstly, I develop on a GTX 1050 laptop with a Intel i5 7th Gen). As much as I’d love a 1080ti, my min requirement PC is actually intentional for performance optimisation reasons. (wouldn’t make much sense building an experience that ONLY runs lag free on a 1080)
So here is my issue. I’ve just started a new project in 4.21, using VR template with default settings. I’ve put a few simple well optimised walls (infinity blade grasslands) and floors in and prior to starting ‘the build’ (a 5 mile square labyrinth - around 1 year). Just went in last night to check the walls/floors looking ok and everything beautifully crisp apart from some scaley like traces around my hands when grip fast (just mannequin hands at mo), but also a quick flash of the same scaley trace after each teleport (I’ll add d pad movement to left but teleport will still be used on right)
Couldn’t work out why so plonked the same assets into 4.18 and it’s perfect?
What’s changed in 4.21? are there any different settings I should be looking at? or should I simply go back to 4.18 to be safe, before I start a large build? (but will have to make a compromise on some characters I wanted to include further down the line).
Thanks so much in advance for any help, apologies it’s not very concise, I’ve gone around the houses a bit!