Performance issue when adding water to landscape

Can anyone give me some advice on adding water to big terrains? I tried adding a water body in the open world level preset using the water plugin. I know it is in the beta state, but shortly after I place anything from the water plugin, the editor crashes. My pc is not too bad, I think (ryzen 5600x, 16gb ddr4, rtx 3060ti, unreal on ssd). Are there any other methods on adding water to big terrains?

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The water plugin has really bad performances, In my game I replaced it with a plane under the map and a water material.

Imagine that you wasted hours setting it up and every once in a while you open the project and you are not able to see rivers and lakes or even the entire ocean because something didn’t compile correctly…
No thanks, I’ll wait for a stable version!


I’m having similar issues. When adding the water body, to somohow large terrains, unreal tells me that shaders are overloading the memory and that “extremely poor performance are to be expected”.

I thought that the shading would not be the issue, but I guess I was wrong. Do you have any insights ? Did you revert to the old trick of the plane ?

That really depends on the hardware you are using, I’ve recently tried to add it to a PCVR project and it was performing pretty good on my Desktop PC (RTX 3090Ti and Ryzen 9 5950X), I tried it on my laptop and it’s screaming (RTX 3070 and i7 10750H)

I’m still using the plane in many projects. I really wish the water plugin will be improved soon! I haven’t tried it with world partition, maybe it performs better.

I only recently started having any issues with the water plugin. in fact, no issues at all until after the release of ue5.5.3

it bogs down my FPS to 2.7 to 3.4 fps when I remove the ocean the FPS goes back to 120pfs.

Why suddenly it goes bananas I have no clue at the moment. it started after I tried to increase the area coverage of the Ocean. its built wrong to start with, structured for islands and you have to add more island exclusions as you go instead of Solid Ocean and then add any exclusions you need. most often I have no need to exclude anything. Just saying.

But once I went to extend the ocean past 2.5m in the x and Y it crapped out and now even after removing the plugin and putting it back in it stays crapped out.