Performance Help - Multiple calls to FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer_Render?

Hi there!
I’m currently trying to get my framerate up and have reached a point where I’m bottlenecked on the RenderThread.
I have a top-down setup that supports split screen, to do this I have two SceneCaptureComponent2D objects that capture each player’s view onto a texture that is then displayed through a widget.
I totally expect the scene to be drawn twice each frame, but when I run Unreal Insights it looks like there is a third smaller draw call in the middle:

Can anyone advise what this could be, and if it’s something I can disable to improve performance?
I’ve removed any reflection capture objects and other scene capture components just to be safe, and can’t see any actual camera objects that might be inadvertently triggering renders.

Appreciate any insight (pun intended) on this! Thank you!

For anyone looking this up in future: it turns out Unreal makes a default camera attached to the player if there is no other camera specified, so we were paying a cost for that even though it was never actually seen on screen.

We couldn’t find a way to prevent this; we tried creating our own player controller child class and overriding the function that created the ‘camera manager’ but it had no effect.

In the end we “fixed” this by making a camera that’s under the world and looking at an occluding plane - it doesn’t remove the cost completely but it reduces it somewhat. I’d definitely welcome any advice on how to reduce this further (or ideally remove it completely)! Thanks all!