PCVR over Quest Link with Handtracking for Location Based Games


I need to use the Quest Hand Tracking Features in a Windows or Linux Build over AirLink or normal Link to play a game for internal uses only. There are a lot of different information around. I know that it works with the Developer Account Enabled inside the Editor. Does it still work when it is a builded game with devmode on Devices?
Is it possible to use the OpenXR Framework in Unreal to use Hand Tracking with Quest over Link in a build?

Is it possible to implement something similar with the quest api (maybe with OpenXR?) myself?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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I’m intrested into that, I know that works from some tutorials for UE 4.xx
But Is it available for UE 5.xx?
I have been trying to get hand tracking with Quest Pro over Oculus PC link on UE 5.1 Editor. Editor get always crash .
But it works only when run the game on the HMD device, not both VR Preview mode and packaged for other platform.
Did you try it on UE 5.1?

I’m also waiting for this, sadly no Hand tracking PCVR with the latest MetaXR plugin on 5.1, while you can enable it, the hands just won’t show up for me :frowning:


With the lastst MetaXR plugin, and using 5.1.1 I am able to perfectly use handtracking in an .exe build for windows.

But my camera is on the floor, as if the quest is not detecting my height. - this happens with both default project settings with controllers and handtracking - still rtying to fix it… but handtracking works great.

I would like more detailed information.
I have a PCVR with MetaXRPluginVer56.0+UE5.2.1 and HandTracking works on some PCs and not on others.

Hey, @duks1226 !

I have a few projects that use Unreal 5.2.1 with full ray tracing/lumen setup + MetaXRPlugin 56.0, and it works perfectly and consistently on several machines.

I’ve tested it on 4 PCs - 2 with RTX 3090s, 1 with an RTX 4090, and another with an RTX 3060 (all AMD). I also tried it on an Intel machine with an RTX 3080. They all perform well with hand tracking, and I must tell you, the performance jump from the 3090 to the 4090 is brutal - literally 3 times the performance. But I digress.

Essentially, hand tracking is working on many different machines with the same settings and project.

However, I have noticed several strange issues that make other things like Air Link and building and running from UE directly to the Quest HMD a bit of a pain.

Meaning that it doesn’t work the same from machine to machine.

On my 3090 workstation, Oculus simply refuses to pair my headset 9 out of 10 times, and I can never use Air Link or even build to the Quest. The only thing that works is connecting to the hub with a cable. In some other machines, this works, and in others, I get the same issue.

Messing around with the developer beta options in the Oculus app on Windows managed to solve it temporarily.

Basically, what I did was turn off and unpair every headset from the app, turn off eye tracking, external cameras, cloud features, and face tracking in the beta menu in settings - leaving only the beta testing channel and runtime functionalities on. Then, I went to Windows settings and made the Oculus app run only with the GPU.

This allowed me to use Air Link again but didn’t fix anything else. It might be worth testing if hand tracking works with these settings.

Thanks for your time.

Thank you for the detailed information. I am always troubled by the instability of MetaQuest. I tried changing various settings, but it didn’t work. I will prepare another environment and deal with it.
Thank you!

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