PCG not showing anything in imported datasmith

After importing from Sketchup with Datasmith, i want to use PCG in the landscape. But it’s not showing anything. I’ve debug, change point extents, tag, etc. But still not working. I’ve tested with plane object in UE, it’s work.


I solved this. I’ve been pulling my hair out for a few days trying to get this to work. Unreal is looking for a collision surface to spawn the objects on and by default any mesh you import doesn’t have any collision turned on. If you go into your static mesh settings and turn the [collision complexity] to [use complex collision as simple] then the PCG will start spawning on your surfaces.

Hi, I am unable to find these settings in the details panel of my data smith geometry mesh. Can you please share a small video or a picture indicating where to change these settings to get PCG points on my mesh.

I do not use PCG but if you need simple collision you can open your mesh in the static mesh editor and either:

  1. go in the collision options and generate a simple collision for your mesh
  2. use the actual complex collision mesh as simple, as mentionned by @josgarno, (you can do that on several meshes at once using the property matrix After bringing Rhino to the Unreal Engine(end key) - #6 by UE_FlavienP)