Hi @M1z3me1,
Let’s see if I can help you figure this out:
For your uneven distribution problem, this is actually expected behavior. It is likely your hands, head, and feet have a higher tri density than the body. Since the module’s logic is grabbing a random triangle from the ones available, it makes sense it is more likely to grab triangles from the high-density areas.
There are a few potential workarounds here. The first (and not recommended) is to remesh your character (or a version of your character that is sampled) so your tris are more evenly distributed. You could also try changing the Whole Mesh LOD- perhaps in your case a higher LOD has more evenly distributed particles.
More likely though, you’ll have better luck directly-setting which triangles receive particles to guarantee even distribution.
This method directly associates the particle ID with the array index- guaranteeing that as long as the array length is equal to the number of particles spawned, every index will receive exactly one particle.
Another potential method would be to direct-set a range of triangles to sample
You could use this to avoid many triangles in the high-density areas by selectively excluding them from the range. Using a scratch pad, you could combine more than one range for a more precise selective exclusion. (Let me know if you need help setting that up)
As for the glitchy movement, this might be harder to narrow down because a few things could be causing this. I would try temporarily disabling collisions, and see if the issue persists when the particle location is direct-set with no outside influences. Also, you’ll probably want your particle system in Local Space- make sure that is set correctly.
The particle system should be updating the tri locations every frame, so your sampling rate shouldn’t be the issue.
I am curious what you’re using the Particle Previous Position for? I could see this causing issues depending on where it’s used.
Let me know if this helps!