Hi there!
Lately I have tried to design a multisphere trace line that can turn on and off the billboard of the enemy. The truth is that I don’t really know how to make it work since I will be not knowing which of the pawns will be my targets. My question to you is: There is any posibility that I can talk to a pawn touched without knowing details about it?( without pointing right on it/ without giving specifications) ?
Right I got now an answer… I found the solution but how do I keep checking that? How do I keep ckecking if the character is being hit by the trace?
Mind the little error with Radar T. I have tried without checking the box. No different result…
This action has as heart event tick if this might help…
Hey Isadora, could you explain a bit more what you are trying to do?
If I read your blueprint now it does not make much sense
What you are doing now is:
for every trace (from your multispheretrace) you get all TARgets in your level
set their radar to true.
If you want to put all targets - radar to false except the hit ones you should first get all TARgets and set radar to false, then multi trace and cast the ‘Actor’(from hitresult) to TARget. If this succeeds set the Radar to true of this actor.
Works great ! Thanks! But how can I take individual actors to set that for them?