Hi everyone.
I’m trying to put the base for an online multiplayer game in which the player has to control a pawn (i.e. a toy tank), in a 4v4 environment.
Inspiration is Rocket League like.
I need to setup a pawn for online playing.
As of now i’m able to build a pawn and set it to move and calling functions like shooting, boost speed etc.
However, i read that transferring those functions online with a pawn is not possible. Can someone explain how to set a pawn for online play?
Easiest way I found was to use a standard Blueprint Character. The networking is all set up. After that, just use the standard movement blueprint nodes.
You’ll have to set up your code to be more advanced than this but these are the nodes you’ll play with. You can use “add impulse” too with collisions and add like 50% of the other actor’s velocity to the impulse. Should have you bounce off other cars okay.
You’ll probably have to set up the “project settings>input” for controllers and keys instead of the mouse axis if you want to steer with those instead of the mouse. Strafe would be like a 4 wheel drift. So you probably don’t need that. You can play with maximum speeds and mass in the movement component.
Hey thanks a lot for the quick answer, but by using the character blueprint i’m locked into using the integrated capsule collider am i not?
That way i couldn’t fit the shape of the mesh i plan to use, which is that of a vehicle, a tank or car, and collisions become a problem, correct me if i’m wrong.
This is the main reason i was planning on using a pawn.
Also i can always use the enhanced input system whatever type of blueprint i use for the player character, right?
Have you tried just using the vehicle blueprint feature? In content (Add/Import), add feature or content pack. Select Vehicle.
I also remember this:
I’ll follow this video and update you guys, thanks. Do you know by any chance if i’ll encounter difficulties implement this kind of blueprint for online play, though?
Online play is pretty straight forward once you know how. Not sure if the tanks have movement replication built in though. I know characters do, but generic pawns don’t. So that’s the biggest issue from my point of view. I’d assume the vehicles do since most vehicle games would be multiplayer.
The rest is pretty straight forward for pretty much all multiplayer games. You should probably make a basic multiplayer game before you start trying to convert a single player game. A single player game is basically a multiplayer game without other people. But a Multiplayer game is SO MUCH more than a single player game and converting a single player game to multiplayer is a HUGE undertaking. So mucking around with something basic is the best bet. Learn it in its most basic form before you start cluttering it with all the cool stuff.