Pawn not being displayed correctly

Hi all,

I have a map in which I have placed BluePrint actors ‘BP_Locations’ with an enum variable. This enum can have value ‘left’ or ‘right’. I have checked Expose on Spawn and Instance Editable. These actors are scattered around in my map, each with the enum set to left/right.
I have a simple tapered box like geometry which I try to spawn at this locations. In my GameMode I use ‘get all actors of class’ to get the BP_Locations, and for each I try to spawn the tapered Box, at the BP_Location’s location. This Box has a similar enum, with Exposed on Spawn, and Instance Editable checked. When I spawn the Box, I pass the enum value from a BP_Location to ‘SpawnActor from Class’ node. Box::‘Event BeginPlay’ then sets the value of the enum. If it is right, I apply -1 scale in X direction, resulting in a mirrored shape.

Issue is in their rendering. All the Boxes with ‘left’ enum are displayed correctly. None with ‘right’ are displayed correctly. I tried changing material properties, I tried even removing material. No luck.

This is my tapered Box mesh:

This is how they are displayed in my map, in left and right pairs.

Edit: This is part of a multiplayer game setup and this happens even if I play with a single player, with any play mode.

What is the issue and how do I address it?

Thanks, SP.

Are you setting scale to -1 somewhere by any chance?

If it is right, I apply -1 scale in X
direction, resulting in a mirrored

Yeah, I should have read your post in full first… That’d be it.

Looks like the normals are flipped. Technically, this should work; and it definitely manifests with default material? Can your try it with another mesh?

Yup, I tried it with another mesh, created another 3d geometry in Blender and then importing it in UE4, and also I tried with another material. It is always the same.
Not sure if this is an imp detail to mention: this is a multiplayer setup, but I doubt if multiplayer stuff have anything to do with this. Anyway, for sack of providing full details, I edited it in my question. :slight_smile:

Hm. I wonder if this has anything to do with the way Blender exports / UE4 imports meshes. Tried this with the engine meshes and it seems to work OK.


While this does not really help you much atm, perhaps it’s worth investigating.