Pawn class jitter in client

Good Day all,

I am trying to work on a boat pawn that players control in my multiplayer game. It is designed around a dedicated server framework.
I am learning a lot and the issue that arises is that the clients see the pawns jittering (even their own controlled. I have been reading a bit, and I am pretty sure that I have a problem with the client predicting movement and being corrected by the server.

What resources out there could guide me on where I need to implement the interlope for the server correction? Is it as simple as creating a customer event with server authority?

I currently use blueprints

are you using an inbuilt movement system like FloatingPawnMovement?

No, will this solve my jitter?
All my movement is based on physics and not set velocities.

ah yeah physics isn’t really replicated nor client predictable.

you can replicate the position but that’s where you get jitter as the server is delayed.

if you can use something like floating movement component that has client side prediction but then you cant use impulses etc

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Right, So that is why it jitters, the delay between server and client… ■■■■… lucky i’m still figuring out the default pawn model