Pause a game when a button is clicked in a second window

I need to create, fundamentally, a separate window in which there will be a widget with buttons (something like a control panel).
I create the second separate window SWindow in which I place the widget. When you press a button on the widget, the game stops, when button it is released - game continues. If this widget is placed in the main window, this does not happen. Is it possible to overcome it? And what can it be connected with?

	MyWidgetWindow = SNew(SWindow)
		.Title(NSLOCTEXT("OperatorPanel", "WindowTitle", "OperatorPanel"))
		.ScreenPosition(FVector2D(1310, 10))
		.ClientSize(FVector2D(600, 990))		
		.SaneWindowPlacement(AutoCenterType == EAutoCenter::None)		

	UUserWidget* LoadingWidget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(GetWorld(), wLoading);
	TSharedRef<SWidget> loadswidget = LoadingWidget->TakeWidget();

	TSharedPtr< SWindow > ParentWindow = GEngine->GameViewport->GetWindow();

	if (!MyWidgetWindow->GetNativeWindow().IsValid()) {


I excusal. The problem was only when you run through the “PLAY”. If run through the “LAUNCH” then neither does not freeze and does not stopped