I’m working on a cinematic sequence of an interior archviz scene. The concept relies on using various light scenarios throughout the space.
Room 1 will have its own light setup, showing early morning and light shapes travelling across the space. Room 2 will have a different light setup, with different sun angle, and different light travel. Im using multiple directional lights to control how the light shows / animates in each space.
I have 5 of these light setups, for 5 shots.
Each setup is located in an Outliner folder, that i switch on/off whenever im working on a particular shot.
My problem is- with having multiple light setups for each room, everytime i do a pathtracing render of a particular shot, with only its individual lighting setup visible in the Outliner, all other lights seem to activate and become visible in the final output, despite being hidden / turned off in my outliner.
Is there a way to disable light sources from final render? Or is my approach just completely wrong… I might add this is my 1st project in Unreal, and the method im describing works fine in all other 3d softwares Ive used before.